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"We find the most thrilling moment is when Mr Poirot
and Mr Bouc find Daisy Armstrong's name. We prefer the character of Poirot,
the dectective with his intuition and his methods. The end of the novel is
great because we don't expect that!"
didn't read the book but I watched the film. It's strange and puzzling. My
favourite character is Mr Poirot because he's very intelligent, he solved
all his investigations. My favourite sketches are the ones in which there
are Victor, Mathieu and William, Romain because they played
their parts as if they were the true characters of the film!"
like the video because the story is strange, unexpected and surprising. Mrs
Hubbard is the best character because she's nervous, provocative and quick-witted.
I prefferre the last extract because we discover the murderers and it's very
surprising! I think the best sketch is Romain and William's because they are
good actors : they act very well!"
my opinion the book was very good. I enjoyed the story. the film translates
the book very well. Mrs Hubbard was my favourite character because she was
talkative, quick-witted, provocative and she was a very good liar. My favourite
extract is when Poirot discovered Ratchett was Cassetti. I think Romain and
William played their parts so brilliantly in the class!! Mr Poirot is a very
good detective. Suspense was guaranted! At the beginning I thought there was
only one killer. I think Poirot was right not to denounce the killers because
they only took revenge."
favourite character was Mrs Hubbard because she looked strange, not really
polite and she was very chatty and quick-witted. And I enjoy her because I
played the part of Mrs Hubbard in our video. According to me the best extract
in our video was the one with Mr Bouc and Mr Poirot when they discovered the
victim's real name because it was he funniest!"
loved shooting the sketches in the video because we learned
a lot. It was great : there were the suits, the wig, the moustache , the
was quite funny and the result is very good. Our favourite sketch was the
one with Poirot and Mrs Hubbard because there was suspense and we like the
characters. We'll keep good memories of that!"
is my favourite character because he's the prosecutor's son in
the Armstrong Case and he was Ratchett's secretary.
My favourite scene is William and Romain's because it's both very funny and
serious. It's the best of all scenes! And Caroline and Alice's scene is the
funniest! I wanted to read the book as soon as
I saw the film!"
"According to me the book is excellent,
perhaps the best! It looks
as if the film was produced by a professional! I think Poirot knows his job
because every time he discovers the culprits. He's the best of all detectives!
Mrs Hubbard is a very quick-witted person and provocative too. My favourite
extract is the one with Mrs Hubbard because we feel the real atmosphere on
the train... The sketches were very good and the actors too! Everybody took
their parts to heart, it was fantastic! Finally the story finished on time
and well. Everybody is happy about the result!"
favourite character is Poirot : he's a detective and he's Belgian. He solved
a lot investigations. He is the main character in "Murder on the Orient
Express". He deduces many things and uses ingenious processes, like the
hat boxes..."
was really surprised when I knew the end of the book because I thought the
murderer was MacQueen. Because he's a nervous character and he knew Mrs Armstrong
very well. The sketches we did in class were very amusing. We all had a good
time doing this film!"
didn't read the book so I haven't got any opinion, but the film was puzzling.
My favourite character is Mr MacQueen because during the film you don't know
if he's implicated in the crime. In the video my favourite sketch is the one
with Victor and Mathieu because they played their parts brilliantly. Sulyvan
and Anthony were very good too!"
the best moment is when Poirot and Hubbard, alias Linda Arden, reveal the
truth. I find it moving because all the characters show us their feelings
about Daisy's kidnapping, all their wounds. It's surprising, I didn't expect
to me the film was very interesting. I really liked the sketches, it was funny!
I did Princess Dragomiroff and in the film it was my favourite character because
she was very proud! Mr Poirot was a good detective. I was very surprised by
the end : it was unexpected. Suspense was great!"
didn't read the book but I have studied the story for some weeks. It's a very
good one but the end is very exaggerated. The film is very good because all
the actors are really excellent. Mr MacQueen stammers all the favourite
axtract is the one with Mathieu and Victor because Mathieu stammers and Victor
is serious and he has a good accent too! The sketch in which I played was
very funny because you have to keep calm not to laugh!"
favourite character is Mrs Hubbard. I
think this woman has a very strong personality. She dared face Mr Poirot :
when he interrogated her, she answered violently. She is chatty too!
The book is very good. Little by little we discovered the criminal(s). At
first Mr Poirot didn't understand anything in this case, then he discovered
clues and he finally found the solution. Well done, Agatha!"