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worksheets mostly extracted from : learnenglish.org.uk vocabulary section anglaisfacile.com vocabulary section clases-ingles.com ego4u.com englishclub.com pdictionary.com picture dictionary illustrated idioms Renée Maufroid A activities animals 01 02 migrating idioms noises desert puzzles B board games jeux de société body 01 02 books C cars comparison Christmas circus 01 02 clothes illustrated accessories crosswords mots croisés countries 01 02 jigsaw puzzle D dances dogs disasters E ecotourism English icons jigsaw puzzle European nationalities nationalités européennes exams F family word list with phonetics family tree farm 01 02 la ferme feelings 01 02 films food idioms staple foods aliments de base football 01 02 fruit & vegetables vegetables les fruits et légumes G garden 01 02 geography quiz Britain the USA H hats health quiz la santé historical events 01 02 homonyms homophones horse race hotels household appliances les appareils électroménagers I insects 01 02 Ireland jigsaw puzzle J jobs 01 02 03 04 nurse jigsaw puzzle K Kenyan wildlife kitchen L letter layout la mise en page M make OR do? motorcycle mythical creatures N newspapers Nobel Prizes numbers O orchestra Olympic Games lexicon all disciplines P peace symbols phobias les phobies pictures pirates plants 01 02 Q quizzes R recycling restaurants riddles 01 02 devinettes S safety cliparts seafaring 01 02 03 04 la vie de marin school cliparts 01 cliparts 02 Shakespeare quotes 01 02 spooky words des mots qui vous donnent la chair de poule! sports > 2006 calendar > cliparts > common sports tennis > extreme sports1 2 > martial arts > Olympic events > winter sports 01 02 superstitions 01 02 T television theatre tools les outils, les ustensiles toys les jouets transport 01 02 U United Kingdom 01 02 03 04 W what time is it? wizardery & witchcraft magie et sorcellerie word building la formation des mots Z zoo puzzle TOP of the page
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