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What is Charlie's father's job?

A he works as a carpenter (menuisier)
B he works in a toothpaste factory
C he works in a bottle factory

Why do Charlie's four grandparents sleep in the same bed?
A to tell stories in the evenings
B to stay in the warm
C there's just one bed in the house

What does Charlie have for breakfast?
A a bowl of cereals
B tea and croissants
C bread and margarine

4 What will the children visiting the factory win?
A a trip to Africa
B a hot-air balloon trip
C sweets

Who was the Prince who had a palace made of chocolate?
A Charlie
B Pondichéry
C Willy

6 Why did Mr Wonka close his chocolate factory?
A he left for India
B the workers didn't want to work any longer
C spies stole his recipes (recettes)

How many children can visit the chocolate factory?
A three
B five
C seven

8 Where are the winning tickets hidden?
A inside the wrapping paper of candy bars
B in newspapers
C in a garden

9 Why was Augustus Gloop the first child to find a golden ticket?
A he had a machine that could find gold
B he buys lots of chocolate
C Mr Wonka gave him a golden ticket

How old is Mike Teavee?
A nine
B seven
C eleven

11 Who found the third ticket?
A Veruca Salt
B Violette Beauregard
C Cornelia Prinzmetel

12 Where does Violette Beauregard stick her chewing-gum at meal time?
A behind her ear
B under the table
C in a piece of paper

13 How could Charlie buy his second candy bar?
A thanks to Grandpa Joe's savings (économies)
B his father gave him a coin
C he broke his piggy bank (tirelire)

14 When is the visit?
A on February 1st
B on January 15th
C on March 1st

15 Who accompanies Charlie during the visit?
A Mr Bucket
B Grandpa Joe
C Grandpa Georges

Which animal does Mr Wonka look like?
A a monkey
B a hippopotamus
C a squirrel (écureuil)

17 What did the Oompa-lompas eat?
A snails
B bananas
C green caterpillars (chenilles vertes)

How did Mr Wonka persuade them to leave their country?
A he promised to give them cocoa every day (cacao)
B he gave them money
C he threatened them (menacer)

19 What colour is the meal chewing-gum?
A pink
B grey
C blue

Who owns a peanuts factory? (cacahuètes)
A Mr Teavee
B Mr Salt
C Mr Bucket

Why is Charlie the only child at the end?
A he's the poorest
B he's the wisest (le plus sage)
C he doesn't like chocolate

22 Where does Charlie's family go to live after the visit?
A in Africa
B in the chocolate factory
C in a palace made of chocolate